Business Loan


A business loan is capital or working capital borrowed by a business owner from lenders to fund expenses mainly related to daily operations, expansion, growth or marketing. The primary intention of a private business loan is the quick infusion of money, enabling the business to support its urgent requirements such as business expansion, meeting working capital needs, purchasing business assets, and staff expansion, raw material purchase.

We provide business loan in form of

Working Capital Loan

A Working Capital Loan is one that is availed of to fund the day-to-day operations of a business

Unsecured business loan

This a term loan given for specific period for any emergency requirement.

Bank Guarantee(B.G) & Letter of Credit(L.O.C)

.A bank guarantee is a guarantee given by the bank on behalf of the applicant to cover a payment obligation to a third party.

A Letter of Credit is a contractual commitment by the foreign buyer's bank to pay once the exporter ships the goods and presents the required documentation to the exporter's bank as proof

Bill Discounting

Under this type of lending, Bank takes the bill drawn by borrower on his (borrower's)

customer and pay him immediately deducting some amount as discount/commission.

O.D & C.C facility

An Overdraft (OD) is a credit facility, This facility allows borrowing money from the bank, even if their Savings or Current Accounts do not have funds.

Secured Business Loan

Loan against any personal asssets(residential or commercial properties or N.A. Lands)


Under CGTMSE, guarantee cover is provided by the trust for the credit facilities to an extent of Rs 5 Crore that have been sanctioned without any collateral security and/or third party guarantees to all new and existing Micro and Small Enterprises (both Manufacturing as well as services).